
Baked Blueberry Cheesecake

I was keen to try out my new oven Borsch. It seems like everywhere was selling blueberries. I was tricked by Cold Storage’s big sign Special Offer. Selling for 2 boxes 125g each at S$9.50. At Fairprice, it was selling at $5.95 for 2 boxes. In the end I got 4 boxes. Taking references from Laura in the Kitchen and Catherine Brethon.

Here is the recipe. Continue reading

This entry was posted on April 17, 2018, in Cheesecake.

Healthy Green Tea Tofu Cheesecake

My husband asked me to make a green tea cheesecake. Wanting to be more adventurous and healthy, I added tofu into the cheesecake and reduce the amount of cream cheese and go without condensed milk. The verdict from my husband: More subtle in taste compare to the normal cheesecake. Next time, I will try green tea cheesecake without tofu. Adapted from Ann Low of Anncoo Journal with modifications

Green Tea Tofu Cheesecake

Here is the recipe.

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This entry was posted on July 11, 2013, in Cheesecake.

Baked Cheesecake with Berries (Water Bath)

This is a very lovely cake to look at. Moreover, it is a baked cheesecake which takes slightly more effort to bake. This recipe is inspired by Laura Vitale’s video and Caroline Bretherton’s recipe.

Please find the below illustrated step-by-step instructions
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This entry was posted on September 11, 2012, in Cheesecake.